Market Comparison

“We’re the fastest growing high street supermarket in Britain!”

Source: Kantar, FMCG Purchase Panel, Kantar, FMCG Purchase Panel, Till Roll, 12 w/e 4th October 2020


  • Iceland’s Till Roll share grew to 2.3% in the latest 12 weeks, up from 2.2% last year, though down from 2.4% in the previous 12 weeks
  • YoY growth of +17.3% was only bettered by Ocado and Symbols & Independents, though growth softened for the 3rd consecutive period as basket size contribution fell
  • Although full price sales primarily drove growth, Price Cuts contributed more than they have since April, now accounting for 15.4% of total sales vs 13.9% last period
  • Ambient contributed most to overall YoY growth, however Frozen Prepared Foods was the fastest growing category worth +£10m in the 12 weeks
  • Iceland saw an increase in period-on-period switching gains only from Asda and Symbols & Independents – winning from the latter for the first time since February
  • There are Losses to Farm Foods (-£1.1m) and Lidl (-£3.2m)