Halloween Bat Pizza 🦇

  • Prep time -2mins
  • Cook time 10mins
  • Serves 2
  • Cost per serving £1
  • easy
  • Prep time -2mins
  • Cook time 10mins
  • Serves 2
  • Cost per serving £1
  • easy

As Halloween creeps closer, it's time to whip up a wickedly delicious treat that's bound to enchant your taste buds without putting a dent in your wallet. The "Pizza Bat" is a fangtastic creation that transforms your favorite pizza into a spooky delight, and it costs only £1 to make. With a simple cookie cutter, you'll be crafting these bat-ty bites in no time. So, join us in our kitchen coven as we conjure up these hauntingly good pizzas that'll make your Halloween night soar! 🍕🌕🦇 See method

What you’ll need


Iceland Thin Crust Cheese & Tomato Pizza
Olives – Green & Black


Cookie cutter


  1. Remove all packaging and place your pizza directly onto the middle shelf of the oven for Fan 10 minutes/Gas 12 minutes.
  2. Once cooked, we can get to work on creating that fangtastic bat shape! Start by taking your cookie cutter and cutting holes across the centre of the pizza.
  3. Now that you have (or should have 😉) two halves, flip them so that the uncut edge is at the top. Then cut two more wholes onto this edge leave about 2cm gap between both cuts. Looks like a bat right? 🦇
  4. Don't forget about those cuttings, there's nothing scarier than wasted food! You should have two different types of cuttings left over. Circles and half circles. 👀
  5. To the centre of the circles add half a black olive, and cut up another black olive to create legs. You can then form the shape of a spider. 🕷️
  6. To the half circles add half a green olive, and a smaller piece of a black olive to create an eye. 👁️
  7. There you have it, Pizza Bats and Spooky Sides all for £1! 🎃